
Thomas Nguyen's CV

View the Project on GitHub thomasnguyen244/resume

Thomas Nguyen

Hi! My name is Thomas Nguyen , and I’m a Full-stack web developer specializing in using PHP, Laravel, Magento, Shopify, Remixjs, Nodejs,.. to build software solutions for clients.

I’m _Software engineer, Project Manager, Co-Founder at WorkWithThomas and journalist based in Hanoi, Vietnam

I’m available for Remote Dedicated Development Job, Freelance, IT Support, Outsourcing Project.

Email / Linkedin / GitHub

My Technical Stacks

👩🏼‍💻 Engineering Experience

FullStack Freelancer and Co-Founder at WorkWithThomas @ (Feb 2024 - now)

Senior Fullstack Magento Developer at Smartosc @ (April 2023 - Feb 2024)

Senior Fullstack Magento Developer and Project Manager at Magezon @ (April 2020 - March 2023)

Senior Fullstack Magento Developer and Project Manager at LandOfCoder @ (Sep 2018 - March 2020)

Web Developer at Brainos @ (May 2013 - August 2018)

🗞 Journalism Experience

This section only accounts for work done post-career change.

📌 Volunteering

🏆 Accomplishments

💬 Languages

🇺🇸 English: Fluent

👩🏼‍🎓 Education

Thanks you!

If you’d like to get in contact about potential job opportunities, please reach out! Or, if you’d like to chat, I love talking with other devs. Feel free to connect. Here is my GitHub link GitHub , portfolio link (comming soon), and my email address Email.